6-8 Week Check

The health visitor will see you when your baby is between four and eight weeks old. We will discuss your baby’s development, growth and feeding; the health visitor will also ask how you are feeling and how you are adapting as a family.

Between six and eight weeks, you and your baby need a routine appointment with your GP. Surgeries vary with their booking procedures so please check how this works with your GP. Your baby will have a full health review similar to the one that was carried out soon after birth to ensure that any health issues that have developed since they were born are picked up early.

Your baby will be offered their 8-week vaccinations. These vaccines are free and you just need to book in with your GP to have them.

If you would like to speak with a member of the health visiting team to discuss any concerns or support required, please do not hesitate to call us on 01895891302 or email us on cnw-tr.hillingdonchildrencc@nhs.net