Sexual exploitation

There is no simple, easy way to define sexual exploitation that encompasses everything that it could be.

Sexual Exploitation happens in different ways but it can happen to ANY young person regardless or background, age, gender, race or sexuality. It also happens both in the real world and online.

Sexual exploitation is when people use the power they have over young people to sexually abuse them. Their power may result from a difference in age, gender, intellect, strength, money or other resources. 

It can be very difficult to identify as the people who groom and exploit young people can be very clever and secretive, tricking people into believing they're in a loving and consensual relationship however often your gut tells you when something isn’t right – listen to it!

If you feel scared, controlled, persuaded or forced to have sex, send sexual pictures, film or stream sexual activities or have sexual conversations you don’t want to have then get some help.

Always remember if you feel in immediate danger call 999 for the police.

It is NOT OK for someone to expect you or your friends to do things you don’t want to.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Find someone you can trust to talk to – it doesn’t matter the role they’re in or job they do but whether you trust them.

If you, or someone else, is in immediate danger then dial 999 and ask for help from the Police.

FaceUp2It - FACE (Fighting Against Child Exploitation) are a group of young people, male and female, who are aware of the dangers of grooming and sexual exploitation. They have a free helpline you can call or text on 116 000 helpline to talk to someone anonymously 24/7.

Brook Young People’s Information Service - Information, support and signposting service for young people under 25 on sexual health. 

CEOP … Think U know - The National Crime Agency's CEOP team aim to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse and have lots of resources to keep you safe and keep the internet fun.

Childline is available to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Available 24/7 You can talk to them:

Missing People Helpline: Say Something – The Missing Person Helpline offers a free, 24-hour, anonymous phone and SMS helpline, 116 000, enabling young people to disclose information and get support.

If you suspect that a child or young person has been or is being sexually exploited, the NSPCC recommends that you do not confront the alleged abuser. Confronting them may place the person in greater physical danger and may give the abuser time to confuse or threaten them into silence.

Please discuss your concerns with a trusted adult, teacher, school nurse, the police or an independent organisation, such as the NSPCC. You can also contact the Hillingdon Stronger Families team for support. There is more information on the getting help tab.

If you’re a parent they may be able to advise on how to prevent further abuse and how to talk to your child to get an understanding of the situation. If it’s a friend they can help support you to get some help.

If you know for certain that a child has been or is being sexually exploited, report this directly to the police.