
Anger is an emotion that we all feel sometimes. It’s normal and healthy to feel angry when we have certain experiences. Sometimes, young people can feel angry a lot and they don’t know why. If managing your anger becomes a problem, and gets in the way of learning or relationships with others, you might benefit from coming to see us for help.

“When I feel I am starting to get angry, I remind myself that what is being said to me is ‘probably just a joke’, ‘calm down’ and ‘ignore them’. I walk away and sometimes listen to music which helps calm me down.” - Anon

Here are some tips and coping techniques you can try when you start feeling angry.

  • NHS Choices - controlling anger
  • Young Minds gives free, relevant, practical information about a range of mental health issues in children and young people. It has information about feelings and symptoms, conditions and looking after yourself. It also has some specific information about self-harm and what to do about self-harm.
  • Minded is a free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for adults, but can also be really useful for teenagers. It covers lot of topics.
  • Relate gives specific advice for different types of worries and problems aimed at young people.

This information is from the CNWL CAMHS website