School Nursing Service

The School Nursing Team works in partnership with children, young people and families as well as schools and the Local Authority to ensure that pupils are supported within their school community to remain healthy and receive the right support where it is needed. 

Each school in Hillingdon has a named School Nurse. The School Nurse runs a confidential service in schools. We can help where young people want advice or need to talk to someone about any worries relating to their health and well-being, as well as provide support and advice to parents/carers.  They’ve seen it all before, so there is no need to feel worried or embarrassed about any issues you may have. 

Some reasons people see the school nurse include:

  • Advice on exercise and healthy eating.
  • To talk to someone about stress, anxiety or bullying
  • Advice on drugs, alcohol or smoking
  • Sexual health advice and support
  • For help with managing allergies
  • Asthma support and education
  • Support in managing bladder problem, also known as bedwetting or daytime wetting.

If you are not already being seen by this service you can self-refer using the details below


On our website you can find lots of information about health and wellbeing.

If you are a child or young person aged five to 19 years old in Hillingdon you have a school nurse who can help look after your health. You can contact your school nurse about all your health needs, including relationships advice, contraception and mental wellbeing. It’s completely free and confidential.

Please call 01895 891 302 or complete the form available here

The school health questionnaire is sent to parents of children in reception year, year 7, year 9 and year 12 as this is a good time to review their health as recommended in the ‘Healthy Child Programme’ (Department of Health, 2009).

The questionnaire provides an opportunity to identify any new or on-going health needs your child may have and require additional support with, and enable individual follow-up actions which may be required to support you in ensuring your child remains healthy as possible. 

Your child will have a routine hearing and vision check during their Reception school year. Should your child need further testing or treatment you will be contacted by the school nursing service.

Parents can also request screening for their school aged child at any point should they have concerns via the school nursing service.

Information for Parents Leaflet: Vision Screening

Height and weight are measured as part of the National Childhood Measurement Programme (NCMP) in both Reception and YR6. Information for parents about NCMP.

What happens

  • Parents are notified

Parents receive a letter about measurement day at their child’s school. The letter will tell parents  how they will receive their child’s results

  • On measurement day:

Measurements are carried out by trained staff e.g. school nurse assistant.  Children take off their coat and shoes for a more accurate measurement

  • Parents’ result letters: 

Most areas send parents a confidential letter about their child’s weight status within 6 weeks of measurement

  • What parents can do

A parent can speak to their school nurse or GP for further advice and support about their child’s weight

Parents can monitor their child’s weight status by visiting the NHS Healthy Weight Calculator

Parents can visit the ‘your child’s weight’ page at better health, healthier families for tips on healthier changes

  • How is data used:

 The data is held by the local authority and sent to NHS Digital and Public Health England, where it is stored securely and
used for analysis.

It builds a picture of how children are growing to help plan better health and leisure services for families

Why achieving a healthy weight is important

When children are a healthy weight, they feel better about themselves. They find it easier to play and learn. And
they are more likely to grow up healthy too. Helping them to be a healthier weight when they are a child can set
up their health and wellbeing for life.

You can encourage the whole family to enjoy eating healthily and being active which will help your child achieve
and maintain a healthier weight. Children who see their parents, grandparents and carers following a healthy
and active lifestyle tend to join in and learn by example. These habits become a normal part of everyday life for
the whole family.

Tell us we're listening! 

We are committed to providing the best possible experience for our patients. Your feedback is a really important way of helping us to achieve this.

Please help us by completing our Online Friends and Family Test (Select: Hillingdon, School Nursing Services and Hillingdon School Nursing)

If you have something to say about our services or your experience of the Trust - a compliment, complaint or concern - please contact your healthcare professional in the first instance.

If they are not able to help, the Patient Support Service will be able to resolve any problems and pass on suggestions to the relevant service or team.

We want this website to be helpful to you and your family and welcome feedback on how we can improve it. If you spot anything that's incorrect, confusing or have suggestions for how we can make it better please email us on

This mailbox will be checked weekly and should not be used for urgent or clinical requests.